
SCROL hébergement


Every website needs a space to express itself. SCROL therefore offers a hosting service on a dedicated, secure, regularly updated and backed up server. SCROL takes care of everything, renting the domain name (free for you), migrating the site to the server, managing backups, monitoring performance. In addition to its own monitoring, SCROL trusts DUTIKO for the outsourcing of the server, double security for SCROL customers.

SCROL maintenance


From the moment the site is published, the work is not finished. Indeed, Drupal is a living ecosystem with frequent updates of modules and Drupal core. And it's not just about pressing an Update button. When a module is updated, SCROL always checks for proper operation and good communication with the Drupal core and all other installed modules. In the event of a problem, SCROL looks for a solution (patch), delays the update and shares the problem to the developers in order to participate in the optimization of the Drupal tool.