
Display Suite

Display Suite

Thanks to Display Suite, directly from the Drupal user interface, you will be able to layout your content according to a proposed mockup from the list and then place your fields in simple drag and drop. If you don't want to go into the theme to organize your content, this module is for you. Ideal with Bootstrap Layouts also to optimize behavior on embedded systems.

Display Suite



When you work with large datasets, often managed in Excel or Access, Feeds becomes the essential tool to put a database online. Thanks to an intelligent system of "mapping" between table columns and Drupal content type fields, using a rigorously prepared CSV file (for example, or via SQL, JSON, XML, a URL ...), it is possible to import thousands of content in a few minutes. The module requires a lot of configuration work and a lot of practice, but once you get started, the interest is obvious.



Thanks to Drupal's permissions and roles system, it is possible to create pages that will not look the same for each user or visitor. To be able to switch quickly from the admin to any user without entering any password, no need to look any further, Masquerade is your friend. A switch block to place wherever you want, visible only to the administrator, an Unmasquerade link to go back in one click and you're good to go. Identity theft is yours ...


Gin Toolbar

Gin Toolbar

The administration menu provided by the Gin theme is very practical in the back office. Why not have it in front? Well it is possible with Gin Toolbar. Plug and Play too, nothing to configure and your administration menu on the front theme reflects that of the back.

Gin Toolbar

composer require drupal/gin_toolbar

Gin Login

Gin Login

In addition to the Gin administration theme, you can add this Plug and Play module which will instantly transform your user / login page into a contemporary and clear page. Simple and efficient. The image is random (from unsplash) and you can customize it.

Gin Login

composer require drupal/gin_login

Gin Admin Theme

Gin Admin Theme

Discovered not long ago, the new Gin admin theme is awesome. Finally, designers have decided to give a facelift and style to the Drupal back office, unchanged for many years (the famous Seven). There was indeed Adminimal or an experimental theme, Claro, which showed the way, but Gin (which requires Claro as a base) goes further. I do not see today another back office theme to work pleasantly on Drupal. If you add the 2 ecosystem modules, Gin Login and Gin Toolbar, you switch from old-school to stylish in a few clicks.

Module Filter

Module Filter

If you only use the Drupal core modules, you may not need this module but if you add a large number of contributor modules (most likely) then you will be delighted to have a clean and ergonomic interface. to find your modules and sub-modules, their configuration links, help, etc., thanks to its search engine and its vertical tabs.

Module Filter

composer require drupal/module_filter

Admin Toolbar

Admin Toolbar

Incredible that this module is still not in the Drupal core, so useful it is and it is always the first module installed. Thanks to it, you will be able to reach precisely the administration page you are targeting thanks to a dropdown menu in hover which, in the end, will save you precious minutes in your day. It's a Plug and Play module, we install and it works right away. Even more stylish with the Gin admin theme. Reach everything in 1 click instead of 3 or 4, the Holy Grail of web ergonomics.